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Armik Kocharians networkology


Welcome to networkology. My vision is to create a talented community of leaders engaged in lifelong learning fuelled by their passion for knowledge and outstanding capability. This is where we excel and go beyond being just a training company: we equip you with the skills and best practices to make a difference for your organisation, your customers and more importantly, for you.

I sincerely thank you for visiting our page and cordially invite you to undertake one of our training classes - we guarantee you will be impressed with the quality and value-add we bring to your learning.

Please feel free to get in touch, using the email below. Our team is open to any conversation or query you may have regarding our services.

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The Journey
Educator, IT Professional, Doctor, Sports Coach, Learner

Dr Armik Kocharians

BSc(Hons), DipEd, MA, GradDipMgt, MBA, MEd, MBBS, CCSI, MCT

Armik is the proud founder of networkology. After many years in the IT industry he has turned his hunger for excellence into creating a community of motivated and talented lifelong learners. His approach to training is simple: keep it relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios. This is reflected in his teaching style of white boarding and regular real-world use case scenario discussions, going beyond "the slides" and course delivery. He ensures his team adopts this same mentality when delivering classes for networkology. By applying relevance and use cases, students will be able to understand the course. Armik highly encourages the IT community to adopt a lifelong learning approach to their career, so they are always ahead of the industry.

Armik's hunger for excellence began in his early career as a teacher and educator, always striving to deliver the highest level of teaching so his students could achieve the best outcomes. From an early age Armik moved into his dual-scoped IT career: as an engineer and soon after as solutions architect, as well as an instructor. He has worked on large milestone projects for Cisco, Microsoft, Telstra, Optus, Verizon, AT&T, Spark, ANZ, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Department of Defence, Bell Canada to name a few. At the same time, he has delivered hundreds of Cisco and Microsoft training courses as well as developed numerous courses, both vendor-specific and custom, earning him numerous industry awards from Cisco.

Armik has also completed a medical degree, following his passion for sports and exercise medicine as a Sports Doctor. He is currently undertaking research in exercise and sports science so he can contribute to improving the quality of life of the community as well as enhancing performances across all athletic levels. Armik is also an accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach.

networkology is a reflection of Armik's passion for quality education and excellence. He hopes to share this with you on your educational journey through IT and beyond.  He believes in an open communication policy, so please feel free to reach out to us at to discuss your journey.


Inspired by excellence. Driven by passion.

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